Sunil Yadav, a notorious drugs smuggler with deep ties to criminal operations in India, was shot dead in a shootout in Stockton, California. Yadav, who was wanted in multiple criminal cases across Rajasthan, gained notoriety for his involvement in smuggling narcotics into India, primarily through the Pakistan route.
Reports suggest that Yadav had been on the run for years, evading authorities after escaping India. It is believed he fled the country using a fake passport under the name of “Rahul” and relocated to the United States about two years ago. Before his escape,
Yadav had been involved in several high-profile criminal cases, including the murder of a jeweler named Pankaj Soni in Rajasthan’s Ganganagar district. Though arrested in connection with this murder, Yadav was granted bail and managed to escape justice by fleeing abroad.
Incident Details
Sunil Yadav’s life came to an end when he was gunned down in a shootout in Stockton, California. Authorities in California and India are jointly investigating the circumstances surrounding his death to determine how it occurred after he had evaded capture for several years.
Sunil Yadav, a notorious Indian drug smuggler with a history of international criminal activity, was killed in a shootout in Stockton, California, on Saturday night. Gangster Rohit Godara, a close aide of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, has claimed responsibility for gunning down Yadav, calling it an act of revenge. The shootout occurred in a residential area after police received a tip-off about Yadav’s location. Officers attempted to apprehend him, but he resisted, leading to an intense confrontation. According to the Stockton Police Department, Yadav opened fire first, forcing officers to respond. He was pronounced dead at the scene. No officers were injured in the